Transaction fees and their purpose

Transaction fees in the world of cryptocurrencies are directed towards miners who verify or add the transaction to the blockchain. Once a transaction is stored within the blockchain network, it is considered confirmed. Transaction fees can vary over time, with one day's fee potentially being different from another day's fee. Generally speaking, transaction fees for cryptocurrencies tend to be minimal. However, recently, there have been instances of higher fees associated with Ethereum and Bitcoin.

Ethereum's solution to high transaction fees

Ethereum plans to address this issue through a planned upgrade to ETH 2.0, as the current situation has become unsustainable. Bitcoin is not lagging behind either; thanks to the Lightning Network (LN), transaction fees can be reduced and transaction speeds increased for this cryptocurrency as well. The activation of SegWit allowed Bitcoin to be supplemented with a new layer called the Lightning Network. This layer is gradually expanding across Bitcoin's network, resulting in an improved situation for transactions compared to what was experienced during the 2017/2018 period.

The role of miners in transaction fees

Miners play a crucial role in the process of verifying and adding transactions to the blockchain. They are rewarded with transaction fees for their efforts, which also serve as an incentive for them to continue contributing their computational power to secure and maintain the network. As more miners join the network and compete for these rewards, it can drive up transaction fees, especially during periods of high demand and network congestion.

Strategies for minimizing transaction fees

There are several strategies that users can employ to minimize their transaction fees. One such approach is to avoid sending transactions during peak times when network congestion is high, as this can lead to increased fees. Additionally, users can opt for lower-priority transactions, which may take longer to confirm but typically come with lower fees. Some wallets also allow users to manually set their transaction fees, giving them more control over the costs associated with their transactions.


Transaction fees are an integral part of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, serving as both a reward for miners and a means of prioritizing transactions within the network. While they can sometimes be higher than desired, there are ongoing efforts within the industry to address these issues and minimize the impact on users. By understanding how transaction fees work and employing strategies to reduce them, cryptocurrency users can continue to enjoy the benefits of fast, secure, and low-cost transactions.

Profilový obrázek uživatele damian


Member from: 26.03.2023

Something about me

Cryptocurrencies have fascinated me since the beginning of 2017, even though my first contact with them was back in 2013. At that time, however, I didn’t give them much importance. Bitcoin eventually proved to be the one deserving of my attention. So, I started to study various cryptocurrencies and their underlying technologies.

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