Symbol: cch
Last update: March 11, 2024, 12:36 pm CET
The data for this cryptocurrency is not up-to-date.
Current Price (USD): 1,00 $
Price (BTC): 0,00002577 BTC

Counos H (CCH) is a cryptocurrency provided by the Swiss blockchain company Counos Platform. It operates on an entirely independent blockchain network. Counos H is designed using the SHA-256 algorithm, and the total supply of CCH coins available in the network is capped at 18,888,888.

The coin and its blockchain network were created with the intention of being used to launch an exchange and trading platform. Counos H will be utilized for creating new tokens that will serve as utility tokens. These utility tokens will be based on commodities but not backed by them, meaning their price will fluctuate based on the value of commodities such as rice, wheat, gold, silver, coal, and other highly fungible economic goods.

Regarding the mining details and blockchain mechanisms of Counos H, it is noteworthy that the first 8,888,880 coins were generated within the initial 113 blocks. After this phase, each newly generated block will reward miners with 0.5 CCH coin as a mining incentive. The minimum time between two blocks is set to 1.5 minutes, with an average block generation time of 2.5 minutes. All blocks created after block height 1000 will have a maturity time of 2,628,000 blocks, which is approximately equivalent to 10 years.

The Counos Platform emerged in 2017 with a vision not solely focused on profit but to provide digital assets and businesses with purpose and meaning. Trustworthiness remains a strong point for Counos, and the team continuously strives to support individuals in the field.

Please note that there was no specific information provided regarding CryptoCoinHash; therefore, it was not included in this description.

Where buy CryptoCoinHash?

  • Nanu Exchange
  • Purcow
Fully Diluted Valuation ⓘ: 9 169 720 $

Market Data

Rank: N/A
24h Volume: 879 210 $
Market Cap: N/A
Total Supply: 9 169 000
Circ. Supply: 0
Last update: 2024-03-11 12:36:18
Price Change (1h):
0.0627814 %
Price Change (24h):
-0.13588 %
Price Change (7d):
0.324852 %

Social Media and Sources

ATH Price: 1.021 $ (2023-11-14 12:35:04)
% from ATH: -2.04 %
ATL Price: 0.983362 $ (2023-11-16 10:34:22)
% from ATL: 1.7 %
ICO Price: N/A (2023-12-04 18:20:43)
Hashing Algorithm: N/A
Type of Proof: N/A

Technical analysis according to the website


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