Symbol: jiji
Last update: March 24, 2024, 4:57 pm CET
The data for this cryptocurrency is not up-to-date.
Current Price (USD): 0,00000 $
Price (BTC): 0,00000000 BTC

Kuroneko is a cryptocurrency project denoted by the symbol $jiji. With the available information limited, a detailed description of the project's technical specifics, objectives, the team behind it, partnerships, or economic model cannot be provided. Kuroneko could represent either a token or a platform name, and "$jiji" is likely the ticker symbol used for this token on cryptocurrency exchanges or marketplaces.

Without further details, it is challenging to ascertain whether Kuroneko pertains to a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, a utility token, or something entirely different. This project could potentially focus on any of the numerous facets within the crypto space, including smart contracts, digital assets, NFTs (non-fungible tokens), governance, privacy, or any other blockchain and cryptocurrency-related areas.

For those considering an investment in the Kuroneko project, it would be crucial to conduct thorough due diligence and seek additional information about the project's vision, strategy, and market standing. This would involve examining official sources such as the project's website, whitepaper, community discussions, and social media platforms to gain a better understanding of the potential and risks associated with investing in the $jiji token.

Where buy KURONEKO?

  • PancakeSwap (v2)
Fully Diluted Valuation ⓘ: 155 722 000 000 000 $

Market Data

Rank: N/A
24h Volume: 29 $
Market Cap: N/A
Total Supply: 988 505 999 999 999 934 464
Circ. Supply: 0
Last update: 2024-03-24 16:57:37
Price Change (1h):
-0.0774028 %
Price Change (24h):
0.12982 %
Price Change (7d):
57.7212 %

Social Media and Sources

Source Code: N/A
ATH Price: 1.14E-6 $ (2023-10-07 16:00:11)
% from ATH: -86.25 %
ATL Price: 4.4751E-8 $ (2023-10-12 13:55:07)
% from ATL: 251.74 %
ICO Price: N/A (2023-12-05 17:35:05)
Hashing Algorithm: N/A
Type of Proof: N/A

Technical analysis according to the website Tradingview.com


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