Symbol: nmr
Last update: May 1, 2024, 8:58 am CEST
Current Price (USD): 22,34 $
Price (BTC): 0,00057577 BTC

Numeraire is a cryptocurrency project that offers the hardest data science tournament in the world. Participants can build models using machine learning and AI to predict stock market performance and earn cryptocurrency on their NMR staked. The project is backed by Union Square Ventures, the co-founder of Renaissance, and the co-founder of Coinbase. Over $200,000 is paid out every month, and users can get started quickly with example models using XGBoost and linear regression. The project is designed to be clean and regularized, and an example of a complete Numerai model written in Python is available. The encrypted data sets used by Numerai allow for crowdsourcing of stock market prediction models, making it a unique alternative to traditional hedge funds.

Fully Diluted Valuation ⓘ: 208 360 000 $

Market Data

Rank: 360
24h Volume: 5 756 060 $
Market Cap: 140 468 000 $
Total Supply: 10 719 200
Circ. Supply: 0
Last update: 2024-05-01 08:58:04
Price Change (1h):
-1.06919 %
Price Change (24h):
-5.36493 %
Price Change (7d):
-21.1103 %

Social Media and Sources

ATH Price: 93.15 $ (2021-05-16 10:29:06)
% from ATH: -79.6665 %
ATL Price: 2.06 $ (2018-11-27 00:00:00)
% from ATL: 817.57 %
ICO Price: N/A (2023-04-14 11:32:07)
Hashing Algorithm: N/A
Type of Proof: N/A

Technical analysis according to the website


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