
Fetch.ai, a prominent AI and blockchain company, has announced an interactive session with its CEO, Humayun Sheikh, in the form of an 'Ask Me Anything' (AMA) event. The live event is scheduled to take place on various social media platforms, including Twitter Spaces. The AMA presents a unique opportunity for the community to engage directly with the company's leadership.

Set for 5PM GMT/6PM CET/12PM EST, the session invites inquiries from interested participants. Community members are encouraged to submit their questions by responding to a specific tweet linked in the announcement. Fetch.ai aims to address as many queries as possible during the event.

Alongside the interactive session, Fetch.ai has also delved into the intricate concept of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) through its recent blog post. The discussion extends beyond simply replicating human intelligence, touching upon ethical considerations, technological advancements, and philosophical underpinnings that define AGI.

The debate around AGI is complex and multifaceted, posing challenges in its definition and raising questions about its future implications. Fetch.ai's exploration of this topic underscores its commitment to not only advancing technology but also considering the broader impact on society.

To participate in the AMA or to learn more about AGI, individuals are directed to Fetch.ai's official Twitter page and blog respectively. The company has provided links for setting reminders for the AMA event and accessing their informative blog post on AGI.

Submitted by damian on

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