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In this article, we will guide you through the process of installing a full node on the SUI network using Docker. SUI is a decentralized, proof of stake blockchain with horizontally scalable throughput and storage. As of October 31, 2022, the SUI ecosystem is currently on Devnet, with MystenLabs inviting node operators to participate in the incentivized Testnet. Running a reliable SUI full node is essential for getting an invitation to the incentivized Testnet.

Node Types

There are two types of nodes available within the SUI network:

  1. Full Node: Primarily used as an RPC node for broadcasting transactions to the chain and building applications on top of the SUI blockchain. There are no rewards or incentives for running a full node.
  2. Validator Node: Validates and attests transactions, ensuring each block follows the network's rules before presenting it to the chain. These nodes are responsible for the overall security and reliability of the network. Validator operators are rewarded for running and maintaining them but can be penalized for misbehavior or low reliability, quality, or uptime.

While the setup and installation instructions for both full and validator nodes are nearly identical, validator nodes are primarily run by Mysten-selected node operators or the internal Mysten team. Official instructions for running a validator node have not yet been released.

Validator Selection Criteria

To be considered for selection as a validator in upcoming waves, it is crucial to understand how to run a highly reliable and high-uptime SUI full node. If selected to run a validator node, transitioning from a full node should be relatively straightforward. This guide will focus on setting up and running a SUI full node on Contabo, which offers high-speed bare metal servers at affordable prices. The instructions should be similar if you choose to run the node on your own custom hardware with Ubuntu installed.

However, simply setting up and running a node is just the beginning. To be selected as a validator, it is essential to have the tools and knowledge required to ensure minimal downtime for your node, contributing to the overall network's reliability and security. Scale3 Autopilot is a product designed to address this issue by providing necessary support.

Hardware Requirements

Here are the hardware requirements for running a SUI full node:

  • CPUs: 2
  • RAM: 8GB
  • Storage: 50GB
  • OS: linux/amd64 or darwin/amd64 or darwin/arm64

SUI can run on Ubuntu, which satisfies the requirement for running on linux/amd64.

SUI Installation

To install a SUI full node, follow these steps:

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose.
  2. Update packages and install packages to allow apt to download packages over https.
  3. Add Docker's official GPG key and set up the repository.
  4. Install Docker Engine and start the Docker service.
  5. Verify that the Docker Engine installation is successful by running the hello-world image.
  6. Install docker-compose and verify its installation.
  7. Create a directory and download the necessary assets, such as the latest docker-compose.yaml file from MystenLabs' GitHub repository.

By following these steps, you will have successfully set up and installed a SUI full node using Docker. This will allow you to participate in the SUI network and potentially be selected as a validator node operator in the future.

Submitted by damian on

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