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Kava, a prominent player in the blockchain industry, has issued a notice to its users regarding the upcoming deprecation of endpoint services offered through its partnership with Pokt (Grove). The partnership is set to conclude on January 31st, prompting Kava to suggest that users currently employing their private or public endpoint services transition to alternatives provided by Ankr or Nodies. Detailed information about the public and private endpoint services is available on Kava's documentation site.

Public API Endpoints

As part of its infrastructure, Kava, in collaboration with ANKR, Kava Labs, and Chainstack, offers public API endpoints. These are essential for community members who require access to the Kava blockchain for operations such as syncing new archive nodes or fetching the latest block information. The Pruning APIs offer insights into the latest 1000 blocks, aiding users in obtaining current states and recent transactions. In contrast, Archive APIs maintain a comprehensive historical ledger from the blockchain's inception.

To ensure equitable access to these resources, Kava has implemented request rate limits for consumers utilizing these endpoints. This measure is intended to maintain the public API capacity and allow fair use among community members.

Binance's Sunset Announcement Implications

Recently, Binance announced the sunset of the Beacon chain, which has direct implications for Kava users. In response to this development, Kava has alerted its user base that governance proposals will soon be introduced to detail the steps required for retiring BEP2 assets from the Kava chain. Users are strongly advised to withdraw all BEP2 assets before April 1, 2024. A particular emphasis was placed on the urgency for users to withdraw BUSD as expeditiously as possible.

The forthcoming governance proposals will provide clarity and guidance on navigating these changes. Meanwhile, Kava remains committed to offering support and updates as they transition through these modifications within their ecosystem.

Submitted by damian on

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