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In a recent development within the cryptocurrency sector, MagicSquare has announced a shift in the schedule for its upcoming SQR token sale. The new times for the sale have been set across two platforms, with DAO Maker hosting the sale today at 16:00 UTC and ChainGPT following tomorrow at 10:00 UTC. This change has garnered attention among investors looking to participate in the token offering.

The price for the SQR token has been listed at $0.10, with the sale taking place on the Binance Smart Chain network. Potential buyers and interested parties can find more details about the sale through MagicSquare's official announcements on their Telegram channel and on the ChainGPT blog, where further information about the Initial DEX Offering (IDO) on ChainGPT Pad is provided.

Additionally, there's buzz around the XAI airdrop claim, which is reportedly going live in approximately 15 hours from now. The anticipation among users is palpable, as many are eager to participate in the airdrop. Information regarding this event was disseminated through XAI Games' Twitter account, although users are reminded to ensure JavaScript is enabled in their browsers to access all relevant details and updates.

The cryptocurrency community is closely watching these events as they unfold. Both the MagicSquare token sale and XAI airdrop represent significant moments for their respective projects, with potential implications for participants and the broader market. As always, potential participants are advised to conduct their own research and consider all factors before engaging in any digital asset transactions.

As these events take place, it's clear that the digital asset space continues to evolve rapidly. With new sales and airdrops on the horizon, the market's dynamism offers both opportunities and challenges for those involved. Keeping abreast of such updates is crucial for anyone looking to navigate this ever-changing landscape effectively.

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