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The cryptocurrency world has a new player in the game. SPACE ID (token ID) is a one-stop web3 domain and identity platform that allows anyone to easily create and manage a web3 identity. With its multi-chain name service, users can discover, register, trade and manage web3 domains of .eth, .arb, and .bnb.

What is Cryptocurrency Space ID (Token ID)?

The SPACE ID platform launched .bnb domain name services in Q3 of 2022. Within just six months, .bnb gained over 447K registrations and 257K unique holders. The platform has successfully integrated with over 100 leading projects and protocols, including BscScan and Trust Wallet. SPACE ID also teamed up with ARB ID, which amassed over 95K registrations and 71K unique holders within a few weeks of launch.

Airdrop Season 1

SPACE ID has reserved 10% of the total token supply for the Community Airdrop. Additionally, 21% of the Community Airdrop (2.1% of the total supply) is eligible for claiming by early adopters at the time of trading on Binance. The snapshot of early adopters has already been taken, and the distribution details of the Airdrop will be revealed by @SpaceIDProtocol in the next few days.

Airdrop Season 2

The second season of the SPACE ID Voyage is coming soon. To qualify, users must register a .bnb or .arb domain and set up the primary name to participate in the upcoming season. Setting up a primary name is important.

How to Buy Domains on @SpaceIDProtocol

To buy domains on @SpaceIDProtocol:

  1. Go to and connect your wallet.
  2. Search for your desired domain.
  3. Click on it (if unregistered).
  4. Request for the number of years you want the domain for and register it.

Users are encouraged to buy both .arb and .bnb domains.

How to Set Primary Space ID Name

To set your primary name:

  1. Go to "My Domains" and click the edit buttons in the "Primary Names" section located in the top right corner.
  2. You must set the record address for your domain before you can make it your primary domain.

According to @SpaceIDProtocol, registering a .bnb and .arb domain and setting up a primary name is all that's needed for the upcoming season 2 airdrop for now.

Submitted by damian on

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