Trust Wallet

In what's being seen as an exciting development for cryptocurrency enthusiasts, Symbiosis has announced an extension to its X-chain Swap Giveaway. The giveaway, which boasts a hefty $50,000 prize pool, will now run for an additional four days, concluding on February 14th.

Increased Chances for Participants

The extension is intended to provide greater opportunities for individuals to participate who may have missed out previously. Those who have already entered the giveaway remain eligible and do not need to take any further action to maintain their chance of winning a portion of the prize money.

How to Get Involved

For those looking to join the giveaway or seeking more information, Symbiosis has made it easy. Interested parties can engage with the community and download Trust Wallet through various platforms including Trust Wallet's website, Telegram, Discord, and other social media channels such as Twitter and Instagram.

Accessibility of Trust Wallet

Trust Wallet enhances user experience by offering both a mobile application and a desktop browser extension, catering to a wide range of preferences and ensuring easy access to the giveaway and other services provided by Trust Wallet.

Submitted by damian on

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