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Aleph Zero Testnet 11.1 Improves Block Finalization Speed

Aleph Zero has recently released Testnet 11.1, which significantly improves the time between block production and finalization, according to their latest update. This enhancement is expected to be pushed to the mainnet in the near future. Aleph Zero is a decentralized platform aimed at providing scalable, fast, and secure solutions for various industries.

New Projects Joining Aleph Zero's Ecosystem Funding Program

In addition to the Testnet update, Aleph Zero is moving closer to onboarding a new set of projects in their Ecosystem Funding Program (EFP). The team has reportedly gone through over 57 out of the 135 initial submissions and is currently considering supporting 17 new projects. These will be in addition to the ones that have already been publicly disclosed on Aleph Zero channels. On average, the platform receives 5 to 20 submissions to the EFP weekly.

MetaMask Snap Project for Aleph Zero Reaches New Milestone

The team behind the MetaMask Snap project for Aleph Zero has reached a new milestone, bringing the ecosystem one step closer to operating with Snaps from MetaMask, the most popular non-custodial wallet. Snaps are plugins that extend the functionality of MetaMask wallets, enabling users to access various decentralized applications and services easily. The partnership with Aleph Zero aims to further enhance the user experience and adoption of decentralized technologies.

For more information on these updates, you can visit Aleph Zero's Twitter and official blog.

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