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Cosmos Hub Starts Voting Period for Neutron Launch

The Cosmos Hub governance has announced that the voting period for Proposal 792 has begun, according to a recent tweet. The proposal, titled "Launch Neutron on Replicated Security," is the first Consumer Chain onboarding proposal. If successful, Neutron will be secured by the Cosmos Hub validator set, marking the beginning of the Atom Economic Zone. Users can cast their votes via Cosmostation, Keplr, Rainbow, and Citadel. For more information and to view the proposal, visit the Cosmos Hub Twitter page.

Ethan Buchman to Unveil Interchain Ecosystem at Consensus 2023

Interchain President Ethan Buchman is set to reveal details about the Interchain ecosystem at Consensus 2023. The event, titled "Building the Interchain," will take place on Friday, April 28 at 11:45 AM CDT in the Protocol Village. Buchman will discuss the advancements defining Cosmos in 2023. To learn more about the event and continue reading about the topic, visit the Cosmos Twitter page.

Interchain Foundation Clarifies Values and Operations

The Interchain Foundation recently shared insights on how their values connect to their operations. In a tweet, they emphasized the importance of both words and actions in embodying the values of free open-source software. Collaboration is a key principle in connecting and respecting interchain communities. To further understand how the Interchain Foundation aims to achieve these goals, read their blog post available on their Twitter page.

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