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Mizar API Bots Now as Reliable as DCA Bots

According to recent reports, the popularity of API bots developed by Mizar is on the rise. The company has been investing time and resources in enhancing the capabilities of these bots. Their primary goal is to bring the API bots up to par with their DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging) bots in terms of reliability, scalability, and error management.

Significant Improvements in Reliability

Mizar has reported significant progress in the reliability aspect of its API bots. They are now said to exhibit the same level of reliability as their DCA counterparts. This means that even when dealing with unstable exchanges or encountering connection issues, these bots can effectively handle and control orders. Mizar understands the importance of uninterrupted trading and has designed its improved API bots to ensure a seamless experience for its users.

User Feedback Plays a Crucial Role

While Mizar expects fewer problems moving forward due to their improvements, they continue to value user feedback and issue reporting. These inputs play an essential role in refining their services further. Users are encouraged to keep providing feedback and reporting any issues they come across, contributing to making the API bots even more robust.

Upcoming Focus on Error Management

In the upcoming phases, Mizar will focus on introducing error management to the API bot orders. This step aims to enhance the transparency of order management, providing users with clearer insights and increased confidence in their system.

Gratitude for Ongoing Collaboration and Support

Mizar has expressed gratitude for users' ongoing collaboration and support. They hope that these improvements will contribute to their success in trading with Mizar API bots. The company looks forward to continuing its relationship with users and further enhancing its services.

Submitted by damian on

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