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Shrapnel Releases Important Game Update

An essential update has been published for Shrapnel, the highly-anticipated First Person Extraction Shooter game built on Avalanche. According to a recent announcement on the Shrapnel website, this update is particularly relevant for NFT Operator Holders, as it outlines the steps needed to secure SHRAP tokens in the upcoming token drop.

The update covers a range of topics, including Sigma Container Unit Mint, Player Account Creation, and details about the forthcoming SHRAP Token Drop. Interested parties can watch the game update video for more information.

Stay Connected with Shrapnel and Avalaunch

To stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments related to Shrapnel, users are encouraged to follow the game's various social media channels. These include Shrapnel's Twitter, Telegram, and Discord.

Avalaunch, the platform on which Shrapnel is built, provides additional resources and updates about the game. Users can visit the Avalaunch website and follow their Twitter, Telegram, YouTube, and Blog channels to stay informed.

What to Expect from Shrapnel and the SHRAP Token Drop

With this latest update, Shrapnel continues to build excitement and anticipation for its upcoming release. The game, which combines first-person shooter gameplay with a unique extraction mechanic, is expected to attract a wide audience of gamers and NFT enthusiasts alike.

The SHRAP Token Drop will be an essential event for those holding NFT Operator tokens, allowing them to secure their share of the in-game currency. By following the steps outlined in the game update, users can ensure they are prepared for this important milestone in Shrapnel's development.

Submitted by damian on

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