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Snickerdoodle Aims to Empower Users and Brands with Data Privacy and Rewards

Snickerdoodle Labs is launching on the Avalanche smart contracts platform to give customers control over how they share their data with brands while maintaining privacy and offering rewards from its decentralized platform. The company aims to provide brands with access to more robust data while allowing consumers to control and benefit through its novel "consent layer." Through the brand's "consent contracts," users can decide whether or not to share their anonymized data in exchange for incentives from the brands. Snickerdoodle Labs believes this represents a necessary upgrade from centralized and less private Web2 customer data sharing models. More information about this launch can be found at

Merit Circle Launches Beam, an Avalanche Gaming Subnet

Merit Circle, a popular gaming DAO, is launching Beam, an Avalanche Subnet designed to be a platform for both gamers and game developers. Merit Circle chose to build on Avalanche for its speed, quick settlement, security, and the open-ended possibilities that Subnets unlock. The Beam Subnet will initially offer new gaming-focused tooling and three new games: Trial Xtreme, Walker World, and Hash Rush. A built-in Automated Market Maker (AMM) will let players swap tokens linked to Beam games. Additionally, Sphere, an NFT marketplace on Beam, can be plugged into games to allow players to buy in-game assets. More details about Beam and its features can be found at

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