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Zilliqa's Plan for Long-term Sustainability

The Zilliqa infrastructure team has proposed an adjustment to the staking rewards in an effort to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Zilliqa network. This change aims to move the network towards the long-term goal of zero inflation and is part of several consensus reward changes that align with the roadmap for the deployment of Zilliqa 2.0. Reducing the inflation of ZIL fosters a healthier token economy for the Zilliqa network and improves its long-term outlook within the ecosystem. More information about this proposed staking Annual Percentage Rate (APR) change can be found on the Zilliqa governance forum here.

Road to Zilliqa 2.0

Zilliqa's team has proposed an adjustment to staking rewards as a means to ensure the network's long-term sustainability while moving towards zero inflation and the deployment of Zilliqa 2.0. The infrastructure team is working on several consensus reward changes that align with their roadmap in preparation for this significant upgrade.

gZIL Delegation Proposal Reopened

Zilliqa has reopened the proposal to introduce gZIL delegation, allowing the community to vote on a major improvement to governance on their platform. gZIL delegation would enable gZIL holders to securely delegate their voting rights to trusted parties and more easily utilize the voting power of their tokens. More information about the gZIL delegation proposal and the opportunity to have your say on the future of Zilliqa's governance can be found here.

Empowering Zilliqa Governance with gZIL Delegation

The proposal to improve Zilliqa's governance through gZIL delegation is now open for community input. This improvement aims to make it easier for gZIL holders to securely delegate their voting rights and utilize the voting power of their tokens more effectively. By enhancing the governance process, Zilliqa aims to ensure that every vote matters more than ever.

Submitted by damian on

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