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The cryptocurrency community is abuzz as the Matrix AI Network (MAN) approaches a significant milestone. Similar to Bitcoin, MAN is poised for a halving event, expected in less than two months. This mechanism, common among cryptocurrencies that employ Proof of Work (PoW) mining, aims to gradually decrease the output of MAN tokens. The goal is to increase production costs and, subsequently, the value of the currency.

Halving Details

According to sources, unlike Bitcoin’s abrupt halving cuts, Matrix has designed a smoother reduction curve for MAN. This adjustment occurs every 3 millionth block, intending to foster a stable increase in token price over time. More information on this can be found in the official Matrix documentation on block reward reduction.

Staking Opportunities

Adding to the excitement within the Matrix AI Network community is the announcement of Matrix Staking Day, set to take place every Sunday. This initiative allows participants to earn $MAN coins as rewards without requiring specific hardware or devices; staking can be directly managed through the Matrix Web Wallet. This move aims to enhance community engagement and bolster token circulation within the ecosystem.

Where to Get $MAN

For those interested in participating in these events or investing in MAN tokens, they are currently available on several exchanges including Kucoin, MEXC Global, and Biconomy. Each platform offers different options for trading and staking MAN against various cryptocurrencies.

Community Engagement and Resources

The Matrix AI Network maintains active communication with its user base through various online platforms. Interested parties are encouraged to follow their official links on websites and social media channels including Twitter, Telegram, Discord, and YouTube for the latest updates and detailed guides on staking and other features.

Submitted by damian on

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