Symbol: XLA
Last update: November 25, 2023, 1:15 pm CET
The data for this cryptocurrency is not up-to-date.
Current Price (USD): 0,00008 $
Price (BTC): 0,00000000 BTC

Fully Diluted Valuation ⓘ: 0 $

Market Data

Rank: 1376
24h Volume: 26 694 $
Market Cap: 842 108 $
Total Supply: 14 002 200 000
Circ. Supply: 0
Last update: 2023-11-25 13:15:22
Price Change (1h):
5.8 %
Price Change (24h):
18.91 %
Price Change (7d):
114.46 %

Social Media and Sources

Source Code: N/A
ATH Price: N/A
% from ATH: N/A
ATL Price: N/A
% from ATL: N/A
ICO Price: N/A (N/A)
Hashing Algorithm: N/A
Type of Proof: N/A

Technical analysis according to the website


MVC unveils a comprehensive scaling solution for Bitcoin, promising to overcome its scalability challenges with a Unified Scaling Ecosystem.
According to recent reports, the popularity of API bots developed by Mizar is on the rise. The company has been investing time and resources in enhancing the capabilities of these bots. Their primary goal is to bring the API bots up to par with their DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging) bots in terms of reliability, scalability, and error management. Significant Improvements in Reliability
The Web3 vision and its challenges Web3 is a paradigm where identity, data, and assets are owned and controlled by users, and web services are decentralized. To enable this vision, a fundamental infrastructure layer is needed that can scale to billions of users, maintain a decentralized and secure environment, and be independently sustainable over time. This infrastructure is a prerequisite for transitioning to Web3, but it is not enough on its own. In particular, usability is one of the biggest barriers to adopting Web3. The technology is still relatively new - about ten years old - and the data, tools, and product layers are even newer. Millions of people use Web3 today, but that is still far from the billions on Web2.
Cardano is addressing issues of limited transaction speed through a new solution called Hydra. Hydra is a layer 2 solution that aims to increase transaction speed with low latency and high throughput while minimizing transaction costs. Hydra Head is the first protocol in the Hydra family, providing a foundation for advanced deployment scenarios based on isomorphic multiparty state channels. Each Hydra Head operates as an off-chain mini ledger shared among a small group of participants.

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